Did you like travelling to Portugal?
What did you learn about us, our culture and our city?Est-ce que vous avez aimé voyager au Portugal?
Qu´est-ce que vous avez appris sur nous, sur notre culture et sur notre ville?
Gostou da visita dos alunos franceses e suecos?
O que aprendeu acerca deles, da sua cultura e do seu país?
37 comentários:
1) yes it was fun.
2)we learnd many naughty words and it was very hilly.
1.yes so so
2.it was very very hilly
I have learned a lot of things from this travell. I have met a lot of friends. The people in portugal have an other culture and it is very different against the swedish.
j'ai aime le portugal et c'est monument aussi la ville de Porto mais j'ai pas apprecier les route et la marche a pied.
Eu achei a visita muito interressante. As pessoas na Suécia e na frança têm costumes muito diferentes dos nossos. Fiz muitos amigos e acho que foi a melhor esperiência da minha vida.
1)yes it was fun.
2)welearnd many naughty words.
Name: Julius. Nobling.
This week has been very funny, and every one has been very nice.//Ronja
i love this week because i meet people very cool, and i know places that i never knew before.//Maria
I like this week very very mutch because visiting places extrordinary.
I really like´d going to Portugal!
It´s vry fun to met new people,and to see the city :)
I think i´ve learned quite mch about you, you´re family and what you´re like.
I didn´t learn so much about the city, but I think i´ve learned quite much about you´re culture, you have like two sides of how to be xD
But I Think it were very fun to come here to see you and I hope that we meet again :P
// Cissi
Oui j'ai aime le voyage au portugal
Oui on a appris plein de choses sur la ville de Porto les repas traditionnels et surtout le soir c'est vraiment joli avec plein de lumieres.
I like the visit of swedis and french.
They are very nice!!!
1: we enjoy to be here in Porto, it was fun and i lerand alot, we lerarnd to comunicate with eatch other.... :D
2: we learnd that they are like us. we know that porto is a habour city and is nere the sea...
// Ulrika(swe) and Nadjet (Fr), Dora (PT)
It was quite boring sometimes becouse we were realy tired, it was long days.
I have seen that the portugis-childreen have much better food then us.I´ve learned how you say hi in portugal. Lynn Edholm Widén
je n´ ai pas aime car on a trop marche et s ´etait fatiguant et la nourriture n´ etait pas bonne mais cést une belle ville
it was very fun.
we learned a lot beacuse we were at a lot of museum... tobiie
oui j'ai aimé le Portugal mais surtout Porto la nuit \\ youssouf
Gostei muito dos suecos e dos franceses.
têm uma cultura muito diferente da nossa mas muito interessante. mário
Sim.Conhecémos alimentos um pouco diferentes e de várias pessoas.Também aprendemos a falar um bocado de outras linguas e
a conviver com colegas de outos países e outras culturas.E também nós os ensinamos a falar português.
João Brás
Clayton Alves
Nuno Mendes
Eu achei esta ideia genial,as pessouas tem custumes diferentes dos nossos,mas fiz umas "amiguinhas".
It´s have been really great to travelling to Porto in Portugal.
I haven´t been in Portugal earlier so this was an experience beyond expectation.
I have learn me a lot of things.
J'ai moyennnement apprecier le Portugal j'aime pas les pente du portugal et les maison sont tres vieille ce que j'ai aimer c'est la lumiere le soir
I like very much the visit because they are very cool. The people in sweden and france have cultures very different than ours. i met a lot of friends and i learned to talk english.
Eu aprendi muito nestes dias.Somos todos iguais apesar do nosso aspecto fisico,ou das culturas.Mas por dentro somos todos iguais .Adorei esta esperiencia e espero repetila.
Adorei conviver com estas pessoas de paises diferentes e adoraria repetir a espriencia.Estas pessoas são muito especiais.E esta foi a melhor semana escolar da minha vida.Aprendi com estas pessoas que apecar de sermos de cultoras diferentes e possivel sermos todos amigos. Sara
1. I liked traveling to Portugal a lot. It has been a nice experience and I have made some new friends :). The portugueses are nice people and they have taken care of us really good.
2. Porto and Gaia are beautiful at night and the people are very nice to tourist. Especially Gaia seems to have a lot of culture in wine. I like portugal a lot and would like to visit it again in the future.
/Sebastian, Sweden
1. Travel to Portugal was great, I was crazy about food and language. /Anthony /France
2. Portugueses were very nice with us. They were really funny. Porto is a great city and beatiful during the night. They love alcohol and pigs. I love Portugal./Anthony/France
1.sim eu gostei muito da visita dos suecos e dos franceses.São todos muitos simpáticos, especialmente os suecos.Nuno/Portugal
2.Dos franceses não aprendi muita coisa mas da suécia aprendi algumas coisas.eles gostam muito de desportos, especialmente de hoquéi no gelo.Também aprendi que as pessoas da suécia são na maior parte loiras e de olhos azuis.../Nuno/Portugal
1. yes it was very interestimg and fun.
2. i learn a lot about portugal .it's fine. people are welcoming.
1-sim, gostou da vista que tive com os franceses e suecos
2-aprendi a falar mais Ingles e a sua cultura que e um bocado mais diferente que a nossa
1- it was fun.
2- i lorn about the city.
The trip to Portugal have been really fun and we have seen a lot of things.It have been intense but fun.
The portuguese people are friendly and kind. They eat great food and they have a beautiful town were they live. / Frida
I liked travelling to Portugal but we have walked a lot and it was raining a lot. But, Porto is really beautiful.
The Portuguese cooking was not really good, the France cooking is really better./ Nawel
The trip to Portugal have been really fun and we have seen a lot of things.It have been intense but fun.
The portuguese people are friendly and kind. They eat great food and they have a beautiful town were they live. / Frida
I liked travelling to Portugal but we have walked a lot and it was raining a lot. But, Porto is really beautiful.
The Portuguese cooking was not really good, the France cooking is really better./ Nawel
porto,c´est un endroit charmant, mais il y a eu quelques inconvenients. Comme par example la ville qui est construite sur des collines, donc la marche tourne presque a la randonner! j´ai aimé la ville illuminer le soir.
1-sim gostei muito.
2-aprendi a falar melhor ingles e aprendi que eles tenhem culturas muito diferentes das nossas
aprendi muito era lindos
Î everyone hoe you now i´m goin to sweden and I like to see cissi, calle, tobiie, ronja, sebastien, julios,eric and everyone else
:P kiissseeeesss
Hello everybody
I´m Nuno from Portugal
I don't go to sweden.I go to Paris :(
It was a esperience greatfull, I will never forget that amazing people I met.
It was very fun
Ivo (Portugal)
It was fun being with you all.
I learn some of your coulters, and they are very diferent, compering to ours.
Did you like Portugal?
Filipe (Portugal)
Hello my name is Vasco
I go to sweden
Kiss for the boys
Hello! my name is Barbara and Vanessa.Were going to be there a week, and we hope to have very fun.
Hi guys, we are Maria, Rita and Elisabete we miss you so much, we are gonna to sweden in may...we are so happy because we're gonna see very cool and nice people, but the french people are cool too, we whode like to see french people dancing Techtonick..kiss we are ancious for may to see you... love xxx
Hi guys, we are Maria, Rita and Elisabete we miss you so much, we are gonna to sweden in may...we are so happy because we're gonna see very cool and nice people, but the french people are cool too, we whode like to see french people dancing Techtonick..kiss we are ancious for may to see you... love xxx
We hope that everything is fine with you: b
We are happy because we are going to Paris.
I hope you too: D
Love, Sara and Dora (PT)
Hello some girls can't speak english and some of them are going to French I whode like to ask if you can help them. Please xD kisses 4 everyone
by: Elizabeth
HELLLLOOOOH! Can somebody leave a message here! to we connect each other! Come on people! xD talk to us ( just kidding but it's a good idea to talk to us)
By: Vanessa and Elizabeth from Portugal xD
Hello, everyone: D
I have many miss you!!
I am very happy because I am going to Sweden!
I hope that everything is fine with you! : P
Big kiss to everyone!
Luísa xD (PT)
Bonjour, tout le monde:)
Tout va bien avec vous? Je l'espère!
Je ne sais pas beaucoup parlé avec vous lorsque vous êtes venu ici au Portugal, mais où allons-nous à Paris pour discuter avec vous.
Je suis heureux de vous voir de nouveau, j'espère que vous aussi! :D
Amour à tous :D
Dora (PT)
hey everbody
I´m nuno
Bonjour, tout le monde!
Tu me manques beaucoup! : D
Tous droits avec vous?
J'espère que oui: P
Je suis à la Suède, mais aussi aimé aller à la France!
Salut tout le monde!
Luísa xD (PT)
A viagem a Paris foi interessante.
Gostei muito de andar de avião, fazia muito frio e o quarto da pousada era fixe.
Adorei ver a Torre Eifel, gostei de ir ao museu e andar de barco atravessando o rio Cena à noite, foi uma expreencia única. Os franceses da escola eram fixes e sabiam jogar bem futbal.Também gostei muito dos suécos que estavam num quarto mesmo em frente do nosso.
Foi uma viagem cheia de surpresas.
Gostei da visita a Paris! Gostei das pessoas, os passeios, os professores, os sítios por onde passamos, tudo isto valeu a pena! (:
Os franceses e os suecos são muito simpáticos e divertido, é claro que não posso deixar de referir a minha turma que APESAR DE TUDO foi bom estar com eles...
Houve coisas que não nos agradaram muito, como termos andado com as malas atrás sem razão, andarmos á procura da pousada continuado com as malas devido a ninguém saber onde ela se situava. A pousada era agradável, o atendimento era aceitável fomos bem recebidos, quanto a isso não á nada a criticar.
Conhecer novos sítios foi bom, devida a conhecer pessoas novas e a estar á vontade com elas, a semana foi fantástica!
O ultimo dia foi um pouco triste custou um pouco voltar a ficar sem eles, porque são pessoas que marcam apesar de tudo, podem não ser amigos de sempre mas vão sem amigos para sempre! :'D
Gostei do espectáculo que vimos as meninas cantou muito bem.
Gostaria de voltar a estar com eles, mas apesar de tudo nunca os vou esquecer.
Obrigado pelos momentos que nos proporcionaram, e tudo o que nos fizeram. (:
beijos para todos (L)
Dora (PT)
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